Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Tale of The Trailer: The Book of Eli (2010)

The Hughes Brothers haven’t directed a movie since 2001’s From Hell, a film I liked a lot. Their latest release, The Book of Eli, stars Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman. I’ve never been a huge fan of Washington, though I’m usually game for almost anything Oldman does (almost—I have so far avoided The Unborn). From the trailer, the film looks promising; though admittedly, the fight clip, in which Washington’s silhouette can be seen mixing it up with five equally silhouetted postapocalyptic baddies, looks cliché—if not bordering on unintentional parody. The film’s being released mid January too, frequently an ominous sign. Considering how much I enjoyed From Hell though, I can’t help being optimistic about The Book of Eli. If nothing else, it looks like it might serve as an interesting comparison piece to this Fall’s Cormac-McCarthy based The Road. In that film, humanity looks pretty much doomed. Let’s hope that, with The Book of Eli, Washington can not only save humanity’s future, but give us a few hours of worthwhile entertainment too.
The Book of Eli hits theaters January 15, 2010.

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