Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Tale of The Trailer: Daybreakers (2010)

Daybreakers is the upcoming film by directors Peter and Michael Spierig. This is another film that looks to have potential, but is being released in Hollywood’s early-January dumping ground. Worse, this film’s been completed since September 2007, meaning it has sat on the shelf nearly two and a half years—never a good sign. Still, I’m a sucker for well-done vampire flicks (cheesy pun unintentional, but I’m leaving it in anyway) and hold out hope this will be the next great entry into the genre. The story revolves around a world where almost everyone is a vampire; the world has become so overpopulated with bloodsuckers in fact, that there’s not enough blood to feed everyone. In answer, someone invents a cure for vampirism with the intention of using the newly cured as a food source. Intriguing idea with lots of potential for social commentary, but who knows if the film will live up to its promise. I guess come January, we’ll find out.

Daybreakers, featuring Ethan Hawke and Willem Dafoe, arrives in theaters January 8, 2010.

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